The Science and Art of Business Valuation
Preface: The value of a business is often associated with the value the business adds to its customers or clients, in its geographic marketplace. That value is a reflection of cash flows, net income, and asset values. A business valuation applies a fair market value assessment of that value contribution to the marketplace from a valuation model approach, i.e. the science; and adds the art of deal. The Science and Art of Business Valuation “Price is what you pay, value is what you get,” a famous Warren Buffett quote, is certainly most applicable to business valuation. Purposes of a business valuation, from setting value for buy/sell agreements, to obtaining bank financing for an acquisition, alternative financing, or exit planning in a transition, a look at what a business valuation process encompasses should be helpful for entrepreneurs. Business valuation is both an art and science. With the science of the process and set of procedures applied to a valuation approach 1) Asset approach; 2) Market approach; 3) Income approach; and an art applied to the normalization of company activity, say with a controlling interest. There are as many specific values for a business as there are valuation experts, because business value means different things to different people. For investors, the value is based upon cash flows; for a strategic bidder, e.g. a vertical integration purchase, a business value is determined from consolidation metrics, or market share advantages. The circumstances surrounding the valuation report is part of the art, e.g. exit planning for retirement, relocation, or partners joining. Albert Einstein is quoted as say, “Try not be a man of success, but rather try to be a man of value. This is true for business valuations too. A business valuation is not a success because the business value is the highest stretch, the valuation is…